Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things I have learned...

1. When you live by yourself you don't need to buy 5 bananas at a time, or just really like banana bread.

2. I rearrange my bedroom on average about once a month.

3. I really like photography.

4. I am a procrastinator to the extreme.

5. If you leave your clothes in the washer more than a day they start to smell, yuck!

6. Spices are much cheaper if you purchase them at the health food store.

7. My favorite color is turquoise

8. You can't have everything you want

9. Shopping at the thrift store is much better in many ways, especially for the wallet.

10. My room is not dirty, only messy.

11. Rent does not have an invoice

12. My love for Jesus Christ.

13. Things really are better on the third try. :)

14. You can never laugh too much!

15. Living life is NOT cheap.

16. I still don't have any idea what I want to be when "I am older"

17. You cannot make a smoothie without a blender. Don't try.

18. band-aid always make things feel better.

19. I am more capable than I thought if I believe in myself.

20. And mostly, the best things in life are FREE!

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