Thursday, July 16, 2009


I live with 3 girls. 4 girls in one house. But I love my roommate family, and wouldn't choose anything different. I love each roommate VERY much. I love my house. I love my roommates dog (Baxter). I love our shower curtain. get the point. I am sad I only have a month in this house left, really sad. However I know that my roommate family will always be family, forever, minus the roommate part. :) Lindsey I will miss your genuine care and love. You are just a doll and you have taught me so much! Anjuli I will miss your spunky personality, you big smile, and bubbliness, you are an amazing women and I love what you stand for! Oh last but not least... Jess! I have really learned so much from you, I will miss you a lot! You are so sensible and really have it figured out. You have grown me in my faith SOOOO much! I thank you for always challenging me to be better and believe in myself, I will miss your determination! Girls you are awesome! :)

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