Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TO DO: Make a to do list

I am packing up my room, a mighty chore I might add. I am the opposite of organized when it comes to packing, I don't believe in systems during this process. I decided I am an ADD packer, when one corner of the room gets old why not start on the other? This leads to a jumble of stuff and no way to maneuver through the room. I did however make a books to read/re-read list for myself while I was packing up the books on my book shelf. Oh how I love books! I think it runs in the family, a little DNA glitch I cannot avoid. Anyways I have them all stacked and now all I have to do is read the darn things.


Shelly Ann said...

Hey kiddo, I know that a person always hopes to get a comment from someone other than "their mom", but I can't help it, I have to comment. Here it is:

You are so great! I really like your list, especially the one about the rent invoice, and of course the mention about loving books. Hugs...Me

Sherry said...

I love the book "Blue Like Jazz"
I've read it twice, and I expect I'll re-read it, at some point.